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Location: confusion -ALWAYS!, Canada

1/2 human other 1/2 -unknown 30'something and wife of 1 mother of 2

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

not much going on...

I couldn't decide whether to stay home today or go out and do some errands. I think I should have stayed home, but I ended up going out. I had my day pretty well mapped out and low and behold the first stop put a kabosh into my plans. Who knew the "mountain" Walmart was TOTALLY revamped??? WTH? I was actually MAD! I had planned to just run in and grab the couple things that were on my mental list {Shannon stop laughing!} and leave. I think I was there like 2 hours!!!! ~not happy, and left with only 1 or 2 things that I planned to get, and 430972093498723407092986 things I didn't plan to get.

The weather sucked today...rainy, warm and just crappy out. TOTALLY not my idea of a fabulous fall day.

I'm ZOMBIE tired tonight... think I might even go to bed EARLY :O


Blogger {S} said...

who me?! did I snort??? ROFLOL!! At least you got to SHOP. :~P

1:43 a.m.  
Blogger Cindy said...

lol on your unplanned purchases

7:38 a.m.  

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