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Location: confusion -ALWAYS!, Canada

1/2 human other 1/2 -unknown 30'something and wife of 1 mother of 2

Monday, July 09, 2007

at least it's mindless

~I've been tagged! fun, as it's been a while...

1-post these rules (that's just funny)
2-each person tagged must post 8 random (hopefully interesting) facts about themselves
3-tags should write a blog post of these facts
4- at the end of the post 8 more bloggers are tagged and named

here are my 8 random facts about moi:

1. I'm not really as funny as some people think I am ~even tho' I *LOVE* to make people laugh

2. My family background is Acadian

3. I have all I ever wanted in life and feel VERY blessed!

4. I have to have my bacon CRISP! *read: nearly burnt

5. I'm ready to sell my kids on eBay right now :P

6. I can't remember the last time dh and I had and ENJOYABLE relaxing evening doing something together *sad eh?

7. I have a nasty temper -thankfully it doesn't come out very often

8. I did this entire post while Ally has been climbing on me, pulling me, pressing buttons and pushing the keyboard tray in and out...whining, crying, yelling and really on my last nerve. :CALGONE please take me away:

So that's me. Let's spin the wheel - round, round she goes, where she stops nobody knows......

And the lucky ladies are.....

Tina {stamp it chick}

Shannon {Creative Chaos}

Ann-Marie {VexedAngel}

Tammy {Scramper's World}

Roni {Just Stuff}

Becky {Proud Owner...}

Lizette {5 guys + 1 girl}

Denise {Happy Scrappy Beach Girl}

So if I tagged you, you know what to do....and if you don't have time or don't want to just read my number 8! :P


Blogger Ann Marie said...

LOL I like your title!!!

Off to check out what Acadian is--

and challenge blog? How cool! I don't know though, that kind of scares me! But might be fun?

11:29 p.m.  
Blogger marcibun said...

Interesting - didn't know you were Acadian.

3:17 p.m.  

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