new camera shopping
I'm becoming VERY frustrated. I have been learning and researching for a new digital camera. I want the 'greatness' of an DSLR but there are some features that I want that they don't offer. {sigh} I also don't want the price tag... So have been reading reviews until my eyes hurt. I've felt like I've been wasting SO much time at the computer it makes me sad.
So please spare me and leave a comment about what kind of camera you have/had love it, hate it? why? b/c I'm going CRAZY!
a few that are on my list are:
-Cannon Powershot S5 IS
-Nikon Coolpix P80
-Olympus SP550 or SP560
So please spare me and leave a comment about what kind of camera you have/had love it, hate it? why? b/c I'm going CRAZY!
a few that are on my list are:
-Cannon Powershot S5 IS
-Nikon Coolpix P80
-Olympus SP550 or SP560