"ya think?!"
About Me
- Name: Jen Hoover
- Location: confusion -ALWAYS!, Canada
1/2 human other 1/2 -unknown 30'something and wife of 1 mother of 2
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
oh what a day
the snow is melting the snow is melting!!!
So apparently we're suppose to be starting out tomorrow as GREAT as today I think is is +5C {cold wind tho} then by noon it's going to be -9C with EXTREME cold and fast winds~ bleh! I have always *loved* winter, but now lately... I must be getting old :P
I'm getting prepped to scrap the day away. There are a few other things on my agenda but Steve is home sick and I'm going to just loaf and enjoy NOT watching cartoons!!
Monday, January 28, 2008
what, I say... what can I say?!

And last but not least... my creation this evening - is known as a "Criss Cross card" I have never made one before and it turned out kinda neat! :) I will definitely make more of these, even tho they use more paper! I have yet to decide if this card is "finished" sometimes I like to leave cards a bit 'unwordy' so that they can be multi-purpose at the moment! :)

FogHorn LegHorn

Sunday, January 27, 2008
need an update
anyway, nothing much going on... been moving stuff, scrapbooking and hangin' out :D kids both are feeling better -yah!!!
Thursday, January 24, 2008
belly bugs...ew!
hopefully it passes through the rest of us as quickly as it did for Dawson!
I put a couple more bears up on etsy ;)
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
have you heard of ETSY ?

Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Sunday, January 20, 2008
and now it's SUNday
Saturday, January 19, 2008
another day...
As for the rest of our day it pretty well went to hell in a handbasket, but what did I expect? Steve *did* call around about the furniture -he wants futon, I want a sectional and we've compromised on 2 futons b/c of costs. So it's been decided that we are getting the futons and we now know where.
I have a headache and I'm drained! sigh...
Friday, January 18, 2008
surprised I'm not bald!
so tomorrow I'm keeping my fingers crossed that we find and PURCHASE possibly even BRING HOME some furniture for our basement!?! ya think?
And I'm intrigued to hear what the "modelling" place has to say about Ally.
so here I sit with a 2 year old on my lap, drawing pictures and my nearly 6 year old standing beside me "helping" his sister, and the dog is now climbing the door... my que to go!
Happy friday! :D
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
you're KILLING me!!
- melt butter in microwave -aprox. 1/4 c.
- chop up chicken breast into "nugget size" pieces
- combine bread crumbs; for this I use, corn flake crumbs, ritz crackers, some dried breadcrumbs...
- with seasonings; oregano, garlic powder, salt, pepper
- I use a ziploc bag and shake it up.
With a fork, dip pieces of chicken in melted butter, then coat with crumb mixutre. Bake at 400* for 15-20 minutes.
There is an awesome homemade bbq sauce that we make too... but I didn't make it last night and I don't have the time or paitience to fetch it right now.
so what else...
I just sat downstair on our ~gorgeous~ new floor and sorted out all my stickers for my scrap-crap. There were only a few sheets that I plan to get rid of. And all in all I don't really have *that* many {thank goodness!} I need to get my stamps sorted next and hopefully I can find a system that works WAY better that what I have going on right now. I do NOT plan to unmount them, I know it would only cause me grief... I don't have "lack of space" just need to figure out how to better utilize the space I have.
hmm... what else is going on, not much! :D
I'm going to take a class tonight at my lss. Mainly to get out and do something that I enjoy, and I have a gift certificate to use.
Oh! one more thing, I'm taking Ally in to be "judged" for modelling. Not *REAL* modelling, but just for fashion, I think like Sears magazines... More or less for the fun of it, any possible money will just get dumped into her bank account. I'll keep you posted :)
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
great day!
For supper I cranked out a 4 cheese spinach dip that is super yummy! As well as homemade chicken nuggets and Steve made homemade french fries that were also delish! :D
The flooring is done. I have to take pictures still, but it's mostly done... just a few bits to finish.
Tonight he's bottling home brew... it's a "cervasa" or similar to corona.
I can't WAIT to get the basement in "order" so we can all function again! the kids have no place really to play without feeling out of their place. ~not to mention I WANT A SITTING livingroom SANS large television! ;)
Monday, January 14, 2008
Sunday, January 13, 2008
ow! the pressure...
Saturday, January 12, 2008
the flooring is *started*
Friday, January 11, 2008
nothing much going on
I think we are both hoping that the flooring at *least* gets started this weekend.
Tuesday, January 08, 2008
ok, ok... photo's already!
Monday, January 07, 2008
more like flourescent dill pickles
I have some fun pictures as we had the kids helping with the primer coat.
I'm feeling really worn out, tired and straight up LAZY today. Dawson and I are both still in our monday-clothes {ahem, pj's} :)
Saturday, January 05, 2008
going well...
we've been totally rockin' our renovations!!! I'm debating here at just minutes past 10pm if I have it in me to bust out the paint and see what I can do before bed -especially since the kids are in bed!
Dawson went to a birthday party today his best buddy Tristan just turned 6. They went bowling, and it was Dawson's first time... I think it's something we're definitely going to attempt to do sometime as a family :)
Steve mentioned playing poker tonight, but I think he's probably changed his mind ~ sounds like something *LOUD* is on tv.
later gators... I'll post painting pics -we chose Avacado {green}
Thursday, January 03, 2008

Well, that's all the time I have...